Messy Morning

children, crying, development, diaper rash, family, fussing, growing pains, home, infant, milestones, motherhood, parenthood, parenting, pediatrician, rash, solids, spitup

This morning I finally experienced the stereotypical baby scenario. Everything that could go wrong did. But it can always be worse so it’s still a blessing to not encounter the things that did not happen. The day is always connected to the previous day(s) so here’s the backstory:

One of our friends just had a baby boy and we visited them last night. They’re not particularly close by and the night turned into a late one. We even had to cut out our baby’s bath and reschedule that for today.

It was close to 9PM when we headed home. Eight PM is already late for our baby to hit the crib. These off-schedule occurrences give me small anxiety attacks. I mentally had to prepare myself. It was a visit for a new baby so I had to just let things slide.

Daddy gave her a wet towel “bath” and we put her in the crib right after. We went to bed around 11PM.

Then this morning inevitably arrives. Our daughter audibly wakes at 5:30AM. I’m guessing she woke up around 5:20AM but stayed silent. It’s too close to her usual wake time for me to reswaddle and do all that. After taking a minute for myself I pick her up and change the diaper. All is going well. I even have energy, and actually feel awake… like a human.

She’s been eating solids for about two weeks now so we’re still getting the hang of it. All three of us. I haven’t frozen anything but it’s going to have to start because pureeing food while baby is awake equals Bad Idea. This is exactly what happened today. While blending the peas, I believe I exacerbated my darling’s fussiness. She cried more. So guess what mommy did? I fed her cold pureed peas. No way in hell was I going to wait for the food to heat up, and have her suffer through another six whole minutes.

Things just went downhill from here. It was an accumulation of spitup. And it’s not regular baby formula. It had prune juice in it. A precautionary measure I’ve been taking per our pediatrician’s recommendation to avoid baby constipation, discomfort, and tears. I’m sure you can picture dark brown stains on onesies, the changing pad cover, the playtime blanket… it’s just an award-winning mess.

Also, the lighting in our home is seriously lacking which makes it difficult to see things for what they really are. I didn’t even see the diaper rash that’s been forming on my little one until I had her right next to the living room window this morning. Good thing I decided to change her there, for some odd reason. Right after applying diaper rash cream but before completely donning the new diaper she peed. Of course. I caught most of it and nothing was seriously wet so I just closed it up and put her in her crib. No serenade this time. It was 30 minutes past her nap time. She fellĀ asleep when her head touched the pillow.

A vacation including a full-body massage and champagne is needed.